You Are the Mountain: Modeling Religious Experience in Light of Cognitive Neuroscience
Bryan Rill (Florida State University) In recent years insights from cognitive neuroscience have led anthropologists to reconsider constructs of culture and experience. Neuroanthropology now provides evidence that patterned practices have the […]
Reexamining Near-Death and Other Experiences of the Beyond in Cultural Perspective
Jeffery L MacDonald (Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization) Reexamining Near-Death and Other Experiences of the Beyond in Cultural Perspective: Implications for the Anthropology of Consciousness Since the birth of anthropology, human […]
A Neuroanthropological Comparison of Anomalous Experiences During Meditation and Ethnographic Accounts of Shamanic Flight
M. Diane Hardgrave (Southern Methodist University and College of Southern Nevada) Accounts of anomalous experience during meditation in an earlier study (Hardgrave 2010), revealed a striking similarity with characteristics found in […]
Defraying the Costs of “Analysis Paralysis”
Christopher D Lynn (University of Alabama) Defraying the Costs of “Analysis Paralysis”: A Neuroanthropological Model of Dissociation, Deafferentation, and Trance Human intellectual efforts frequently seek to extend awareness and expand […]
The Scholar With a Thousand Faces: Joseph Campbell’s Enduring Legacy
Robert Walter (Joseph Campbell Foundation) Much has been written about Joseph’s Campbell’s legacy since his untimely death in 1987. His contributions to the study of literature, film and television are well-traveled […]