Program for the SAC Spring Conference 2018
We hope you will be joining us in Palo Alto, CA next week for SAC’s annual spring conference. Please check out the SAC 2018 Conference Program
2018 SAC Spring Conference
This year’s conference, Altered States, Sound, Ritual and Healing Today, Both in Traditional Cultures and Non Traditional, will be held from March 22-25 at Sofia University in Palo Alto, CA. […]
Chicago Hilton: Grand Tradition Room Friday November 22, 2013 1:45 PM-5:30 PM In the twenty first century sound seems to surround us everywhere, and music seems to be within reach […]
Identity, Music Technology and The Nation-State In Yucatan, Mexico
Gabriela Vargas-Cetina PhD (Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan) In Mexico national governments have tried, at least since the 1940s, to create a national identity that is deeply rooted in the arts and […]
Between > (play) and |<< (Rewind): Media As An Ethnographic Place
Melisa Riviere (University of Minnesota) From New York to Rio, from Nairobi to Tokyo, hip-hop, more than any other musical genre or youth culture, has permeated nations, cultures and languages worldwide. […]
Stratified Music: Discourses of Artistry and Economy in Condesa, DF
Heather Levi (Temple University) At the end of the twentieth century, the Mexico City neighborhood of Condesa went from a quiet residential zone, home to Spanish and Jewish immigrants and Mexican […]
Music and Local Culture: Turtle Shells in Punta Rock in Belize
Grant Rich (Independent Scholar) Belize, often described as a Caribbean nation in Central America, is a richly diverse nation, with Creole, Mestizo, Maya, Garifuna, and Mennonite groups well-represented among its population […]
Ghost Notes: Re-Performing Duke Ellington’s Such Sweet Thunder
Darren Mueller (Duke University) Some jazz performances are haunted. After Duke Ellington’s death in 1974, his orchestra continues to play under the direction of Ellington’s son and grandson. Musicians often refer […]
Knowledge Is a Sound: Teaching and Learning Science in Four Urban Classrooms
Walter S. Gershon (Kent State University) From questions about methodology to constructions of meaning, there is a great deal of literature dedicated to the significance of voice across the wide variety […]
Establishing a Conversation With the Past and the Present
Steven Elster (Center for Investigations of Health and Education Disparities, UCSD) Establishing a Conversation With the Past and the Present: Towards a Greater Understanding of Southern California Creation Stories and Songs […]