The Society of the Anthropology of Consciousness invites you to join us online over three days to investigate how we engage with communities around ongoing concerns of ecological change. The title “Sea Change” points to the context and social climate in which we currently live: a time in which drastic social, political, and environmental change is occurring. During these times of chaos and ecological upheaval, conflict and despair inevitably arise as responses to the ongoing precarity and uncertainty. As anthropologists and consciousness researchers, there are many ways to interpret and understand these changes. “Sea Change” also acknowledges that we live in a time in which all forms of life are experiencing radical changes on the planet (such as rising sea levels), and with such changes, suffering and conflict increases. Therefore, we invite presenters and attendees to reflect and engage with subjects related to change, embodied transformation, and ecological disruption.
We consider this conference an opportunity to build networks for collective engagement, restorative practices, healing, and reconciliation. We will be highlighting projects which explore indigenous and/or plant-based practices that might provide transformational learning and opportunities for collective action. It is our goal to elevate oppressed voices and wisdom that honor those communities and challenge the power dynamics of colonization. We also welcome members, collaborators, and those new to the conference to engage in discussions related to exploring consciousness in all lived experiences, both human and non-human consciousness.
Join us over the weekend of March 12-14, 2021 to explore these issues through live streamed Zoom sessions with academics, activists, and specialists; a pre-recorded asynchronous media gallery with a curated selection of podcasts, short films, and other media; and some interactive workshops and meditation sessions to help facilitate mind/body learning and individual and communal transformations. Stop by for the afterparty each night on our Zoom Happy Hours and Twitch sessions if you dare! Registration information below.
Please go to the following link and follow the registration instructions there:

(NOTE: You will be asked to create a username and password for the AAA system, if you do not already have one, before you can register. No payment is required to do this. You do not need to be a member of the AAA to attend this conference.)
Please send an email to conferencesac@gmail.com to be considered for a free registration grant. If selected, we will send you a unique code to enter when registering that will zero your payment for the entire conference. Please do not share this link with anyone as it will only work for the individual we have given it to.
Participants will receive further information and secure links to the online conference once registered. In order to be officially registered, all attendees will need to create a user account and register on the AAA website: (http://www.americananthro.org), after which they can select their registration type and check out. You will them get an email with access to the Communities page with all up to date announcements, links, and the conference program.
For more information, please contact:
Mark Flanagan, Program Chair — markwflanagan1@gmail.com
Andy Gurevich, President — agingprophet@gmail.com